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Chambers Global Practice Guide – Gaming Law 2022

Jamie Nettleton
Jamie Nettleton
Samuel Gauci
Samuel Gauci
Senior Foreign Lawyer (Registered in Malta)

Addisons has contributed to the Australian chapter to Chambers Global Practice Guide – Gaming Law, published by Chambers and Partners.

The guide provides an overview of the Australian gambling legislative framework which considers all different forms of gambling services, both online and land-based.

Various inquiries into the business operations of licensed casino operators were concluded in 2022. Findings were made in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia that resulted in the relevant casino operator (and related companies) being declared unsuitable.

These inquiries have led to significant changes being made to the legislative regime in Australia relating to the regulation of casinos. Many of these changes reflect the recommendations made in the reports of the various inquiries.

This chapter indicates how these inquiries have also resulted in significant change to the structure, power, and responsibilities of gambling regulators across Australia.

The guide also provides an overview of the effect of anti-money laundering regulation as it applies to the gambling sector, and insights into recent trends in the gambling sector (including developments regarding the involvement of blockchain technology in online gambling).

Authors, Jamie Nettleton and Samuel Gauci of the Addisons Gambling Law Team trust that you find the guide of assistance. Please contact us if further information is required.

For regular commentary and insights follow the Addisons Gambling Law Team on LinkedIn here.

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