With 2022 just around the corner, we look at some of the legal issues which have been relevant to those operating in the direct selling sector in Australia in 2021.
Some of the issues which we are dealing with regularly include whether agreements can include class action waivers and/or unfair terms, Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) compliance obligations, privacy and data protection requirements, as well as what claims may be made when conducting marketing campaigns.
Articles in the 2021 update include:
New Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code takes effect on 1 January 2022!
Ruby Princess ‘Class action waiver’ clause deemed unenforceable by Australian Federal Court
Contractor or Employee: Importance of the Express Terms of the Contract
What is a ‘DIN’? New obligations for Australian Directors – Effective 1 November 2021
Lorna Jane Feels the Burn: Watch outs for your next marketing campaign
Brand owners and advertisers beware! New influencer marketing guidelines in the spotlight
If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback or discuss, please get in touch with the Direct Selling Team.