Addisons IP Trademark team recognised amongst the best by WTR 1000

Addisons has again been recognised amongst the leading firms by the World Trademark Review in their WTR 1000 rankings for 2022.

The WTR 1000 conducts extensive qualitative research to identify the world’s leading trademark legal service providers. According to WTR, it is the ‘definitive “go-to” for those seeking world class legal trademark expertise’.

Addisons was recommended in WTR 1000 for:

Trademark – Enforcement and litigation, Australia and
Trademark – Prosecution and strategy, Australia

“The IP team at Addisons represents a range of consumer-facing companies across diverse sectors. They are known for their effective strategic and commercial advice as well as showing “a keen appreciation of and enthusiasm for their clients’ business needs and values”…The high-performing team boasts a number of recent achievements.”

WTR1000 2022

Within the Intellectual Property team, Addisons Partners Donna Short and Karen Anne Hayne were individually recognised in the following categories.

Donna Short is ranked for:

Trademark Enforcement & Litigation, Australia
Trademark Prosecution & Strategy, Australia and
Trademark Transactions, Australia

“Donna Short, a well-rounded brands expert who earns plaudits for her speed, efficiency and interpersonal skills. Her recent work includes supporting Australian-owned dairy co-operative Norco with new product launches and advising MoneyMe Financial Group, with which she has worked closely as it has significantly grown its trademark portfolio and expanded its business internationally.”

WTR 1000 2022

Karen Anne Hayne is ranked for:

Trademark Enforcement & Litigation, Australia
Trademark Prosecution & Strategy, Australia and
Trademark Transactions, Australia

“Karen Anne Hayne carries out sterling work for long-term client Virgin Enterprises, which showcases her impressive versatility in addressing a range of trademark issues and challenges, including infringement litigation. ….. Hayne is considered a “superb leader for her clients with a rich historical and contemporary knowledge of their trademark issues. She understands their preferred way of doing things and neatly aligns her approach and advice accordingly.””

WTR 1000 2022

The WTR conducts interviews and accepts written submissions of lawyers, attorneys and their clients involved with trademarks; they also gather written submissions from firms detailing their recent activity in the field.

They identify leading law firms as those with the depth of expertise that a firm can offer beyond – and in support of – its star partners. Firms qualify for a listing on the basis of their depth of expertise, market presence and the level of work on which they are typically instructed.

Congratulations Donna, Karen, and the team.

Click here to visit WTR 1000.