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Employment Law in Australia Overview | 2022

Martin O'Connor
Martin O’Connor
Brandon Chakty
Brandon Chakty
Senior Associate

In Australia, employment is primarily regulated by legislation at the Federal level. There are some areas, notably long service leave, which continue to be regulated at the State level.

In Australia, employment is primarily regulated by legislation at the Federal level. There are some areas, notably long service leave, which continue to be regulated at the State level.

In the latest edition of the annual Employment Law in Australia Overview, the Addisons Employment team provide an update for the 2022-2023 financial year with a focus on the following key employment areas:

  • National Employment Standards
  • Modern Awards
  • Enterprise Agreements
  • Casual and High Income Employees
  • Paid Parental Leave
  • Superannuation
  • Dismissal

If you have any questions relating to the guide please contact one of our Employment Law experts. 

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