In our Financial Services Newsletter, available for download below, we take a look at the following:
- Enhanced fintech sandbox: ASIC’s enhanced regulatory sandbox which commenced in September, giving fintechs the opportunity to test their products in a ‘regulation-lite’ environment for up to 24 months without holding an Australian financial services or credit licence.
- Funds and FIRB changes: The impacts for funds and fund investors of the foreign investment regime’s (FIRB’s) temporary COVID-19 changes.
- Frozen funds relief: ASIC’s new industry-wide relief to frozen funds for hardship withdrawals.
- Valuation of fund assets: ASIC’s recent guidance to funds regarding the valuation of fund assets.
- ASIC financial services crack-down: ASIC’s recent enforcement action against financial services licensees in relation to alleged failures to ensure adequate cybersecurity infrastructure and oversight of authorised representatives.
If you would like more information about any of the topics covered, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
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