NSW Casino Inquiry and What it Means for Regulation of the Gambling Sector Panel

The Addisons Gambling Team was delighted to host this NSW casino inquiry and what it means for regulation of the gambling sector webinar as part of the Addisons “Gambling Law Year in Review and What to Expect in 2021” event on 2 December 2020.


In this panel, we discuss the background to the NSW Casino Inquiry, some of the issues that have arisen and what it might mean for the future regulation of casinos and gaming in New South Wales and Australia.

“This of course changes the landscape, which then changes the other casinos and how much they do for international tourism, VIP, and junket play. So, this absolutely changes for Star and for Sky City… it might be a short-term opportunity in Sydney, however I think the mid-term and long-term probably looks a little bit more bleak, as a result of the overall belt being tightened across the market.

Don Carducci, Head of Australian Gaming & Leisure Sector, J.P. Morgan


  • Elizabeth Knight, Journalist, Sydney Morning Herald
  • Don Carducci, Head of Australian Gaming & Leisure Sector, J.P. Morgan
  • Robert Kerr, Partner, Addisons


To view the other panels from this event, please click below;

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