The Addisons Gambling Team was delighted to host this online wagering regulation webinar as part of the Addisons “Gambling Law Year in Review and What to Expect in 2021” webinar on 2 December 2020.
In this panel, we discuss the National Consumer Protection Framework and the Australian Sports Wagering Scheme, with a focus on the impact that both of these initiatives could have on wagering regulation, and the wagering industry more broadly, in 2021.
“There has been some research to suggest that inducements or loyalty programs could be used as a tool to encourage safer gambling engagement, so for example, the award of loyalty points for setting a limit or for taking a break. That’s a kind of interesting idea that hasn’t been explored in Australia.”
Dr. Sally Gainsbury, Deputy Director, Gambling Treatment Clinic & Research Group, University of Sydney
- Dion Jackomas, Manager, Policy & Legislation, Liquor and Gaming NSW
- Dr. Sally Gainsbury, Deputy Director, Gambling Treatment Clinic & Research Group, The University of Sydney
- Jason Whybrow, Director, Sports Wagering and Match-Fixing, Sport Integrity Australia
- Joseph Abi-Hanna, Solicitor, Addisons
To view the other panels from this event, please click below;
- Online Gambling Regulation in Australia and Overseas Panel
- NSW Casino Inquiry and What it Means for Regulation of the Gambling Sector Panel
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