In the January 2019 edition of our ECM Bulletin, we reported on a series of major reforms that ASX is proposing to make to its listing rules, with effect from 1 July 2019.
ASX has now announced a deferral of the implementation date to 1 December 2019, to allow listed entities time to focus on their 2019 AGMs before needing to implement the proposed reforms. A discussion of the most noteworthy changes proposed in ASX’s consultation paper, “Simplifying, clarifying and enhancing the integrity and efficiency of the ASX Listing Rules”, is available here.
The final version of the ASX listing rule changes and associated guidance note changes is targeted for release in late September/early October 2019 (assuming ASX receives the necessary regulatory approvals). ASX will also conduct a national roadshow about the proposed reforms in late October/early November 2019.