High Court won’t hear Kraft in Bega Peanut Butter Trade Dispute

Addisons is thrilled with the outcome of today’s hearing.

Partner Justine Munsie and Special Counsel, Hayden Martin along with counsel Anthony McGrath SC and Craig Smith are thrilled the long running challenge by Kraft Heinz to Bega Cheese’s right to use the packaging design associated with its peanut butter products has come to an end.

After wins by Bega Cheese in the Federal and Full Federal Courts, Kraft Heinz sought special leave to appeal to the High Court. This morning special leave was refused, so the Full Federal Court’s decision in Bega Cheese’s favour stands.

“Addisons is delighted to have played some part in ensuring that the rights to use the distinctive and well-loved peanut butter packaging remains with Bega Cheese”.

Justine Munsie, Partner, Addisons

Congratulations Bega!

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